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  • Amphenol
    • Sustainability
    • Environment
    • Supply chain sustainability requirements

    Amphenol’s high-performance culture of entrepreneurial accountability is uniquely powerful in ensuring a sustainable future. By giving our local management around the world the authority to run their respective businesses, the entire Amphenol organization is empowered to truly “think globally, but act locally.”


    We strive to make the highest quality products for our customers with the smallest environmental footprint.


    Total Waste Recycled or Used for Energy.


    Normalized Water Withdrawl.

    2019 vs 2017


    Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity.

    2019 vs 2017

    Our People

    Our greatest asset is our hard-working, dedicated and entrepreneurial employees across the globe.

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd.,

    Supply Chain

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd.,

    Supplier Conduct

    We are a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate responsibility in global supply chains.

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd.,

    Human Rights

    We have zero tolerance for human trafficking and slavery. Our Supplier Code of Conduct prohibits the use of forced, bonded and indentured labor and involuntary prison labor.

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd.,

    Conflict Minerals

    We actively survey our supply chain regarding the origin of the 3TG used in our products to ensure appropriate reasonable country of origin inquiry and due diligence has been performed. Learn More

    Product Responsibility

    Every day billions of people around the world interact with our products. Our job is to make sure that these interactions are safe, reliable and productive.

    Our operations are implementing programs and initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water and decrease waste through reuse and recycling. Many of our operations utilize ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 international standards, as appropriate, to support their initiatives. We strive to make the highest quality products for our customers with the smallest environmental footprint.

    Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    Amphenol is acting to reduce our operational energy use and minimize our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the application of lean production processes and capital investments in energy-saving equipment. Our efforts in these areas have allowed us to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and our GHG emissions intensity. Our goal is to continue to reduce our GHG emissions intensity over the coming years through the development of new reduction strategies and actions throughout the company. We also plan to report on our Scope 3 GHG emissions in the coming years. The use of renewable energy is an important part of our GHG emissions reduction strategy. Over the past few years, we have improved the monitoring of renewables in our energy consumption in order to better understand the opportunities we have to increase our sustainable energy use. The renewable electricity portion of our total energy purchased is up to 5% and we plan to increase this percentage over time. Along with the continued monitoring of renewables in our purchased electricity, we also plan to increase our on-site production of energy fueled by renewables.

    Water Use

    Amphenol strives to be a responsible water user in the communities in which we operate. We are committed to actively pursuing and investing in water optimization projects across our facilities and we work to educate our employees on water conservation practices. As a result of these efforts, we have been able to reduce our normalized water withdrawal throughout our facilities. A critical component of our efforts has been the development of innovative and efficient wastewater treatment strategies to reuse and recycle our process water and to ensure our discharge meets applicable standards. In 2019, we began tracking our freshwater usage throughout our facilities and we will use this data to better assess our global water risk and identify our highest risk facilities.

    Waste Disposal

    Efficiency and waste minimization are inherent to our operational management culture and we continue to enhance our waste tracking processes. One way we reduce waste in our operations is by increasing our recycling efforts throughout the Company, with some actions including utilizing recycled packaging for connectors, regrinding thermoplastics as appropriate to supplement virgin material feedstocks and developing new methods to help support the beneficial reuse of our production waste materials. We are proud that across our operations nearly 60% of our total waste is either recycled or used for energy generation. As we enhance efficiencies in our production processes, we will continue to search for new ways to recycle and minimize our material use to yield further reductions in our waste production and deliver more sustainable products to our customers.

    We continually evaluate our suppliers to confirm that they are acting to ensure the sustainability of our world while behaving as responsible global citizens. We work to promote fair labor practices throughout our supply chain and prohibit the use of forced, bonded and indentured labor. Our commitment against the use of conflict minerals is resolute and our programs are comprehensive. We actively survey our supply chain on an annual basis to ensure compliance with our policies.

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., Human Rights and Fair Labor Practices We have zero tolerance for human trafficking and slavery as stated in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our Anti-Human Trafficking & Slavery Statement. Additionally, our Supplier Code of Conduct prohibits the use of forced, bonded and indentured labor and involuntary prison labor. To ensure that our suppliers are acting in a manner consistent with our values and standards, we have been expanding our outreach and engagement on our Supplier Code of Conduct. As part of these actions, we have published a Supplier Responsible Labor Policy which sets forth the standards we expect our supply chain to uphold to ensure that supplier working conditions are safe and that workers are treated with dignity and respect. We are a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate responsibility in global supply chains. We are also participants in RBA's Responsible Labor Initiative (RLI), a multi-industry, multi-stakeholder initiative focused on ensuring that the rights of global supply chain workers who may be vulnerable to forced labor are consistently respected and promoted. We are also evaluating the guidance and tools provided by RLI’s Responsible Workplace Program, Responsible Recruitment Program and the Supplemental Validated Audit Process (SVAP) to determine which tools may be the most effective in our efforts to help break the cycle of labor exploitation. Amphenol has a “no fees” recruitment policy already in place covering our own operations and in 2020, we've expanded this prohibition on fees to include our Tier 1 Direct suppliers.

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., Supply chain sustainability requirements We routinely evaluate our suppliers on the quality and sustainability of their products, and to assess whether they are meeting certain social responsibility requirements and metrics. We review our raw materials and components for regulated substances to assess our products’ conformity with customer-specific requirements and industry standards (i.e., Halogen-Free, Lead-Free), as well as other applicable regulations such as Restriction of Hazardous Substances.

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., Conflict Minerals Amphenol seeks to go beyond local and customer requirements in our efforts to be a responsible corporate steward. In accordance with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's conflict minerals requirements, we have a comprehensive conflict minerals program which ensures that we do not knowingly use tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold (3TG) that originate from sources that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups through mining or mineral trading in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country. On an annual basis, we actively survey our supply chain regarding the origin of the 3TG used in our products to ensure the appropriate reasonable country of origin inquiry (RCOI) and due diligence has been performed, as detailed in our latest Conflict Minerals Report. Amphenol is also a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) which seeks to promote the common goal of understanding and contributing to mitigating the salient social and environmental impacts of extraction and processing of raw materials in supply chains.

    Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., Anti-Bribery reputation is one of our most important assets. The bedrock of this hard-earned reputation is the integrity and honesty of our employees around the world. Amphenol’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics equires all employees to follow the law at all times. This includes following all antibribery laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate. The making of any inappropriate payments or offers of payments to obtain or retain business is strictly prohibited. This also includes prohibiting making payments (including commissions) to third parties who in turn pay government officials or other third parties to obtain or to retain business. Amphenol's anti-bribery efforts are further supported by a robust ethics and compliance program, including an independent internal audit function, training and a whistleblower and investigation process with a strict policy prohibiting retaliation. It is also supported by the Company's Supplier Code of Conduct.